1. Creating Logical Systems for Sender and Receiver systems
Execute T code BD54.
Click on New Entries and create the logical systems for the sender and the receiver systems.
There is a one-to-many relationship between physical systems (or clients) and logical systems. That is, we assign each client one logical system name, but several logical systems can point to the same client.
2. Creating RFC Destination
Execute T Code SM59.
Create new RFC destination giving it a suitable name and the Connection Type as ABAP.
Give the IP address of the PI system to be used and the system number.
Give the Target Host name.
In the Logon and Security tab, specify the Client that has to be logged in remotely and the Language. Also, give the User ID and the password and save them facilitate Remote Logon.
Click on Connection Test and Remote Logon.
RFC destinations should "map" to the desired logical system. In fact, if the RFC destination has the same name as its corresponding logical system, configuration is easier because we can automatically generate the partner profiles.The RFC Destination should be correctly designed to avoid problems in the connection.
CAUTION: The names of RFC destinations are case-sensitive.
3. Creating the port for the receiver
Execute the T Code WE21.
Create a port under transactional RFC; give it a suitable name and description.
Select the RFC Destination created in the previous step and save it.
4. Distributing the model
Execute the T Code BD64.
Create a new Model View, give it a suitable Technical name and enter the Short Text.
Add the Message Types that are required by clicking on Add Message Type. Specify the Sender, Receiver while adding the MT.
Save the Distribution Model.
Go to Edit -> Model View and click on Distribute to distribute the created model.
If the required information in the model has been added correctly, then after clicking on Distribute, you will get a message as shown in the screenshot below:
"Model view 'view name' has been changed."
5. Generating Partner Profile
Execute the T Code WE20.
Create new Partner Profile of type LS.
Specify the outbound parameter for the receiving system and inbound parameters if any.Also, the Type, Agent and the Language need to be selected.
1. Creating RFC destination
Here too the same steps have to be followed as in the case of RFC Destination in the ERP system.
2. Creating Port for Sender
Again the same steps have to be followed as in the creation of port in the ERP system.
While creating port in the XI system make sure that the port name should have the format as SAP<SID>.
3. Maintaining IDOC metadata
Execute the T Code IDX2.
Select the Port that you had created in the last step and click on Create.
Enter the details of the IDoc metadata that you want to load (Type, Extension and the Source Port) and execute. If the metadata has been loaded, you will get the message "Metadata loaded successfully".
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